Das Institute – Mujica & Sanz (Zürich, Switzerland) – Manongo Mujica

Das Institute – Mujica & Sanz (Zürich, Switzerland)


Time: September 23, 2021 20:30
Location: Elisabethenstrasse 14a, 3. Stock, 8004, Zürich

About Tour

Percussion, Electronics, Field Recordings

Manongo Mujica is a Peruvian percussionist, composer and visual artist. His constant search for sounds, from native to electronic, has even led him to compose music from silence. Luis Sanz is a Swiss-based artist working with extreme synthesis processes, sound morphology and physical audiovisual experiences through recording, installation, performance and video.

Peruvian-Swiss duo Mujica-Sanz explores Andean and Alpine sonic imaginaries by mixing global and local cultural elements through sound collages that resemble Peruvian and Swiss soundscapes as if they were soundtrack interventions through live music.

In the frame of the South America exchange programme «COINCIDENCIA» of the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia.
